Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Praise the Lord lol! I accolmlished the unaccomplishabe! I conquered the unconquerable! I weaned Cameron at the ripe old age of 17 months! It was no longer in the best interest for us to continue breastfeeding, as I am having some health issues, but I will get into that later. I have not nursed Cameron since the 1st of the year. She is now sleeping through the night (finally, for the most part) and napping like a semi normal toddler. It was definatly time for us both. I think we were both ready. And aside from rock hard (still!) and sore bewbies, I am doing great as well!

About my "health issues". I have always been a lil anemic. But apparently, it has gotten much worse, and Cam was basically taking all my nutrition, so I had gotten pretty severely anemic. I also ended up in the hospital a week before Christmas with some really severe pelvic pain and a fever. Turns out the endometriosos I have had for around 10 years is making a serious comeback, so I have to have surgery in the next month or so, followed up with monthly injections for 6 months of something called lupron, which basically puts your body into menopause, along with all the lovely symptoms of menopause, for about 6 months to give my body a chance to heal itself and give me fighting chance for future fertility. So, say a lil prayer!


teamscow said...

oh my goodness girl. i know you will be fine but that is serious. i am so sorry you have to have surgery. i hope you start feeling better. is there anything you need? lets hang out... let me know when is good we'll have a girls night, now that they babe is off the tap :)