Thursday, August 21, 2008

Poor Babies

My poor babies are sick. Ethan is home from school today, and he and his sister are feeling pretty crappy this morning. The baby was up all night with a fever, and they both are coughing and all kinds of snotty. I guess they so rarely get sick that when it does happens, I remind myself to count my blessings that my kids seem to have awesome immune systems. But with Ethan starting school it was bound to happen.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


So, I am struggling with a very hard decision. Cameron is 1 now, and I always said I would breastfeed until "around" one. No set date to wean. But I am feeling increasingly burdened as even though she is on solid table foods, and drinks from a sippy cup, she nurses almost as much as a newborn! I have no time to myself, and she is up literally every 2 hours throughout the night. I feel so selfish, but I just need a break. And I cannot get one from the boob-a-holic. I'm not sure what to do, I have attempted the drop one feeding at a time approach, and it was a disaster. She screams and throws a hitting, biting, scratching tantrum if I will not let her nurse. But I don't want to just go cold turkey, I feel that would be too traumatic. I don't know. I am at a loss. I feel so blessed to have been given this bonding time with Cam, but at the same time, I am beginning to resent it as well. If anyone has any advice, please please please let me hear it!!

Monday, August 18, 2008


So, a night up with the baby and some serious womanly issues have given me the excuse I needed to forgo my workout this morning. I knew it would happen. I just knew it. I am trying not to beat my self up over it, but man, I stuffed my face full of cheesecake bites last night at my mom's (thanks mom!) and now this. Oh well. Starting over tomorrow. Luckily I got right back on the diet track this morning, and have stayed strong all day.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Aw Snap.....Inspiration.

Okay, so I have officially become inspired. (Notice the 2 posts in one day?) I was reading Ashley's post about her NLP:RD and decided I needed my own. So here goes:

*Start Working Out
-Follow Couch25K and finish. Follow through this time. Lose that flubber!
*Make Healthier Choices
-Drink more water. Have a salad every once in a while.
*Be Pretty 6 Days a Week
-Even Gawd had a day off. Look better and you will feel better.(And hopefully smell better)
Keep A Cleaner House
-Get in a cleaning routine. Dishes must be done every day. House cannot smell funky. The baby should not be able to get a full meal off the floor.
*Actively Look for a Job
-It is time. Need more cash flow. Must be able to buy pretty things.
*Be Nicer to Chris
-Show hubby more appreciation. Even if you don't feel like it. Stop making bald jokes lol.
*Let Go of the Little Things
-Don't let your neurosis get the better of you. If no one is bleeding, it is all good in the hood.

So thank you Ashley, for the awesome idea. I love your blog, and the NLP:RD inspired me to make some changes of my own. Hopefully you don't mind me ripping off your idea!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Ch Ch Ch Changes.....

Okay, so I am not overweight. But I am a tad flubbery. 2 kids will do that to ya. And I am sick of the jiggle. Well, not all of the jiggle, but the jiggle in my thighs, and the muffing top that looks as though it has been coated with a layer of jello. That is where Operation Skinny Bitch and Couch25k come in. I will be getting my fitness on, and eating healthier, drinking more water, etc. Here's to losing the jiggle!!

ETA- I just realized how broke out I was last week in the Kindy pics. Yikes. Damn this PMS!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Two Major Events...

Ethan Started School. OMG I have a Kindy Kid. And the homework they sent home on the first day(!) was NuTz!!! It was a little too heart wrenching for me though, Ethan didn't take to it all that great, and Monday and Tuesday morning were spent crying outside his classroom door after the bell rang. Let me clarify...I was crying. I was an emotional basket case. All was well by Wednesday. He was excited to go to class.
This was how he looked pretty much the WHOLE morning!
I was putting on a brave face....
And this was what got the water works going.
Cam turned 1. Quite possible my last baby turned 1. We had a "Pretty Pink Pirate Princess" theme, which fits Cam to a T. She had the Most awesome cake:



Which she thouroughly enjoyed lol:

She had lots of fun letting Daddy (or Dede as she calls him) help open presents:



She loved loved loved (did I mention loved?) the balloons:





And there is the obligatory photos of a naked baby wearing a tiara eating a fruit roll-up:


It was a great day full of many memories that I will cherish forever. It has been a fantastic year, and God has blessed me two times over with such beautiful, precious babies. I feel so lucky to have been chosen to be their Mommy! They are the greatest gifts I have ever been given, and have taught me more about life than I can ever hope to teach them. I can only hope that at the end of the day, I am deserving of these children. They are such blessings in my life, and I cherish every moment I have with them, and every breath I am able to take in their presence!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Oh Lawd...

Seriously, I never blog. I always think of things to blog about, but am far too lazy. So here is the 411 on whats been going down in Verry town.

Chris and I starting school this semester (fall). I am going for Nursing and he is going for computer animation. Seriously, my hubby is an awesome artist, though he doesn't give himself enough credit, but he will do awesome in this field. I'm not so sure on me and the nursing. My Nana put it best:"you have to be nice to be a nurse Stephie."

My 1st baby is starting Kindy in 2 days. I am seriously freking out. I cannot handle the grown upness. We have all the school shopping done, oh God. Where did the time go?

Cameron is a walking talking disaster area. She is a hurricane, I pity the fool that gets in her path of destruction. I love her, but jeez. She drives me bonkers. I will leave you all with pictures of the cuteness that is my children.