Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Gobble Gobble

Happy Turkey Day Eve...Day lol. I am baking (yum...Heath cookie bars and hopefully punpkin cheesecake) and cleaning house. I kept the little man home from school today because it was a rainy half day, and we do NOT walk on rainy half days lol. So he will be helping me bake and cleanse the house.

The little mama is trying to talk up a storm. She has her words that she says often, mostly involving food lol, but she is slowly starting to branch out. She is also my other little helper. She loves to throw things in the trash.

I am doing pretty good. I am loving my Ativan/Paxil combo. It is making me one happy woman! Not zombie like at all, with just the perfect amount of stepford wife syndrome. Im sure Chris is loving it haha.

I will leave you with some pics of the lils.

Later. Lol Cam just dupmed out a Capri Sun. Be back later