My poor poor baby has RSV. It is by far the most heartbreaking illness I have been through with either child so far. She has to have breathing treatments every 4 hours, and about an hour before they are due, she struggles to breathe. I just want to cry or her, and I have. The Albuterol in the treatment makes her too wired to sleep, and when it finally wears off, she is coughing so hard she can't sleep still. Poor thing is so sleep deprived, she has started falling alseep with the mask on, before she get too wired but starts getting some darned relief. I can't wait for her to feel better, she has a Urinary Tract Infection on top of it, and is going to have to have testing done o her kidneys to check for an abnormality. I have been saying a lot of prayers lately, which I dont do often enough. Hopefully they are heard. I'm scared. I would trade my sleep for a thousand years to see her feeling well again. It is so hard to see your babies sick.
If you would like Josh to come give her a blessing, just call me! He would be there in a second! Love you guys!
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