Sunday, March 30, 2008
More than meets the eye...
Posted by The Verry's at 11:27 PM 0 comments
My Children...
Posted by The Verry's at 10:58 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 17, 2008
St. Patty's Day!
Happy St. Patty's Day!
I have dyed the milk green lol. We are doing the naughty leprechaun game in our house this year. Ethan is going to flip the eff out.
Speaking of Ethan...that boy ate 4 slices of Papa John's pizza for dinner. Holy crap! That is a lot of food for him. He also told me I am "The Bestest Mommy On the Face of the Earth" for ordering Papa John's pizza. Never mind the 9 days of labor and years of butt wiping. Just totally made my day.
I am in a particularly bummed out mood right now,and experiencing a troubling (but not unusual) bout of insomnia. I miss my daddy. :( Big time. He moved to Missouri on Saturday. He was living just 2 miles down the road from me. I don't know what I am going to do without him.
Cammie got another tooth. She now has her bottom 2 teeth. She looks like a bass ackwards bunny. It's so cute, especially when she laughs.
Ugh, I can't take it today/tomorrow/last Why must things change, and change so rapidly at that? My babies are getting so big, my daddy left....I just feel lost. But luckily....blogging soothes the soul. Time for a Benedryl/nighttime tea/shower cocktail to put my arse to bed.
I shall leave you with this:
see more crazy cat pics
Posted by The Verry's at 12:26 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 14, 2008
Just a little update..
Cammie is about 3 seconds away from crawling. I am scared. (I say that alot regarding her). I forgot what it was like to have a baby on the move. She is so cute. She gets up on her hands and knees and rocks, and then does a little froggy hop. Have I mentioned lately how much I miss her being a little tiny newborn? It has gone by so darn is making me rethink my previous plans to get my tubes tied in a year. Don't tell Chris that though...he will never let me live it down. Cammie was sooo tiny. 4 lbs. 14 oz. and 17 in long. Leeetle baby. I just loved cuddling her while she nursed. Now she has to be into everything, and she is so distracted while she nurses, it's like a juggling act. I don't know, I just miss my cuddly little baby. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to run ut and get knocked up again, but...**sigh**. Babies. They get me everytime. But luckily I justfound out that my Sister In Law AnneMarie is preggo! YAY! A baby in the family that isn't mine! One I can give back! I have NEVER had that happen before. I'm beyond excited for her.
Ethan is turning 5 a week from tomorrow. And I am going to have a nervous breakdown. It's too much for this mommy to handle. I cry just thinking about it. I am going to be such a wreck. Not that it is any different than any other day....but still. I am just distraught over him turning 5. I need to be medicated or sedated fr that day.
Another thing that has been on my mind lately. It makes me sick that I cannot breastfeed in public without getting odd looks. I mean, my "goodies" are covered, you can't see what's going on. I think all breastfeeding women should breastfeed IN PUBLIC with no shame. It is the only way we are ever going to re-normalize it. I hate trying to schedule things I want to do around breastfeeding. It shouldn't be that way. I saw a "BaBa Baby Elmo" the other day, it is an Elmo that you feed a bottle and he goes to sleep,and I told Chris they should make a Boobie Baby Elmo lol. He thought I was strange. I don;t know, it is just something I have become passionate about. I am in no way a "lactivist" or "lactation nazi", but I do think it shouldn't be the big deal that it is, and the only way it won't be is if we as women make it a normal event.
Posted by The Verry's at 11:28 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Sleep Deprivation
So, my daughter has apparently decided that after months and months of being a dream baby, she no longer wants to sleep...ever. Like...ever ever. I'm scared. She slept through the night since she was 6-8 weeks old. Like, 8-10 hours a night most nights, and took 2 naps anywhere from 3-4 hours long. Now, she won't sleep...period. What do I do? I CANNOT cry it out. I just don't have the heart. I know some people may read this and wonder why I am complaining when she is probably just going through a phase and has otherwise been sleeping great since she was a newborn? 1 word. Ethan.
Wen Ethan was born, I thought like most normal babies there would be no reason for him not to be sleeping through the night by six months of age. Well, apparently I am the weakest link because that boy slept through the night once, when he was 10 months old, then not again until he was almost two. I really thought I got lucky with Cameron.
I NEED sleep. Seriously.
Posted by The Verry's at 12:45 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
FuN tAg!!
I really should be in bed...but oh well!
5 things on my To-Do List:1.Clean House...disaster area since the RSV fiasco 2.Laundry....shoot me now 3.Plan Ethan's Bday Party...I am such a procrastinator .4.Drop off my cousins birthday present...see # 3...her bday was Feb 27th 5.Shave my legs-thanks for reminding me Afton!
5 Snacks I enjoy: 1.Fudgesicles 2.Pork Rinds...I sick! 3.Anything chocolate 4.Hot Cheetos 5.Lately graham crackers
5 Bad habits I have: 1.I bite my nails 2.I am perpetually behind on laundry 3. I never drink enough water 4.See above snacking habits 5. Never put *me* first
What I would do if won the Lottery:Put away for my children's college education, buy a house...with a maid *wink*, and probably be cheap about everything else, but possibly go on a Walmart shopping spree...I'm hick like that.
My favorite word: 1. apparantly
Least favorite word: 1. Sorry
Favorite childhood memory: Anytime I spent at my Nana and Papa's
Least Favorite childhood memory: Probably when they moved away, I felt like my whole world stopped turning
Best friend from your childhood: Jeannie Casillas
Current best friend: My cousin, Melonie Koenig...she has been there for me through everthing!
Posted by The Verry's at 11:35 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Bite Me RSV!

Posted by The Verry's at 5:18 PM 1 comments