Friday, August 15, 2008

Ch Ch Ch Changes.....

Okay, so I am not overweight. But I am a tad flubbery. 2 kids will do that to ya. And I am sick of the jiggle. Well, not all of the jiggle, but the jiggle in my thighs, and the muffing top that looks as though it has been coated with a layer of jello. That is where Operation Skinny Bitch and Couch25k come in. I will be getting my fitness on, and eating healthier, drinking more water, etc. Here's to losing the jiggle!!

ETA- I just realized how broke out I was last week in the Kindy pics. Yikes. Damn this PMS!


teamscow said...

hey stepahnie. this is april (skousen)now scow. email me k. my blog is teamscow.blogspot. love to hear from you